About Sam 

Sam is a happy, smart, energetic, and helpful boy who is in 5th grade. He likes his elementary school and learning because it feeds his mind. He loves reading and reads before going to bed. Sam enjoys hanging out with his friends. He loves his family and playing with his dog.

Sam has SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder which affects his normal happy attitude. When Seasonal Affective Disorder hits during the late Fall and all through the Winter months, Sam is a different kid. He gets his happy charge from the sun and feels his best and happiest when he is in the sun. When the days get shorter and the nights get longer, he struggles to be happy. He pushes away his friends and family and even his dog. He goes into an “I don't care mode” where he doesn’t eat much or do much of anything because he has trouble being happy and during this time he struggles with concentrating and with school. 

During his SAD season, He fights off his SAD with a few remedies: he takes special vitamins like vitamin D and St. John's Wort, light therapy, calming breathing exercises, and practicing gratitude. He reminds himself that this SAD season is only temporary and he needs to be thankful for what he has so Sam creates a list of gratitudes and he adds to it before bed. 

List of gratitudes 

I created a list of gratitude for things I’m thankful for which I either receive or give. Somebody said you can't be angry and fearful when you at grateful. By creating a list of gratitudes and being thankful I force myself to look for the positive during my dark days. Also on those dark days, I can reread my list and remind myself I have lots to be grateful for. 

Sam’s Gratitude List 

Left the house late, but Mom made all the green lights so we weren’t late for school.

It was sunny today and my friend and I played outside.  I loved it.

My friends and I worked on our homework to study for a test.  Since we all studied together we all feel we are ready.

So Happy because It turned sunny after the rain. That was so nice.

I love my dog and I can't wait to get home to pet him and play with him.

Over the weekend I helped my mom clean the house.

I helped my dad wash the car since it was warm enough.

I was so into the football game the other day that the cloudy weather didn’t affect me and we won.

Dad took me to school today. I chatted with him and listened to different music on the way to school. 

Why do I practice gratitude?

* According to Mom it releases endorphins making me happy.

* It gives me a feeling of satisfaction especially when I help someone. 

* It makes me feel more grateful for what I have.

* It distracts me from my problems- when I’m helping others my mind is busy working to help them and not busy with negative thoughts. 

* My Mom says it improves my mental health and doing good will make me live longer.  I don’t know about longer but definitely happier practicing gratitude in my option.